Tuesday, September 1, 2009

What an awesome smile!

So the tooth fairy has been visiting our house quite a bit lately. Hayden has been losing teeth left and right. I just had to get a photo of his awesome smile he has right now, because it's changing everyday. He lost his front baby tooth a few weeks ago and up until yesterday it's been a big hole. And then I looked at him today and all of a sudden that big tooth was in, it came in so fast. The funny thing is, is that he also lost the baby tooth on the right side last week (the right lateral for you dental friends) and now that big permanent tooth is taking up all the space and somehow one more tooth is going to come in there. Can you say braces? So I just love the way his smile is right now, all funky spacing and jagged, crooked teeth crammed into a tiny mouth, that I just had to get a photo and share with everyone. He also speaks with a funny little lisp, and I think he likes the way it sounds because he's always saying words that he knows sounds funny.

I just love this crazy smile!

1 comment:

  1. Did I know you have a blog? I think I did and then somehow I messed up and lost your link. What a dork I am!

    I'll be visiting you often. Miss you. Love you!
