Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Why did God create Snow?

I get that the earth needs moisture...to help sustain life, make everything green and beautiful. But God could've just stuck to rain for that right? Well, I believe that the reason he created snow, was for this...

And this...

And this...

While James was manning the snow-blower, and I the shovel...I'm cursing this heavy, wet snow, thinking about my sore back...I look over to see Mathis jumping in front of the snow being shot out of the snow-blower, with a huge grin on his face as the snow hits him and covers him from head to toe...oblivious to the cold. Then Hayden hops on the sled and yells to Mathis to pull him down the street, Shadow at their heels, off to go sledding. I then forget my aching back and say to myself, it's all worth it...this must be why God created snow!

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is looking great! I agree with you about the snow and wish I were a kid again to enjoy it for this purpose. The boys are so darn cute!
